Brussels Philharmonic | Close Encounters

Close Encounters

Open rehearsals

experience the orchestra up close, feel the power of our collective
open rehearsal + meet & greet: €5


Join us for Close Encounters: follow the rehearsal from the stalls of our Studio 4. Afterwards, chat with someone from on or behind the stage—be it the conductor, soloist, musician, or a production team member.

What is being rehearsed, how it will unfold, and with whom you'll have a chat afterwards: we won't tell you that just yet - the rehearsal process cannot be predicted. But what is certain is that you will step into the heart of our symphonic world!

Craving a richer backstage feel? Join our guided visit, exploring Flagey’s iconic history and behind-the-scenes secrets.

*please note that the guided tour requires a separate ticket

Close Encounters '24

∙ 11.01.2024 Terra Memoria: Saariaho, Bach & Stravinsky
conducted by Ilan Volkov [more info]

∙ 21.03.2024 Another Mélisande: Schönberg & Ivicevic
conducted by Ilan Volkov [more info]

∙ 18.04.2024 Kalliwoda & Mendelssohn
conducted by Fabio Biondi [more info]

∙ 23.05.2024 Scelsi Sound Magic: Scelsi, Murail & Ambarchi
conducted by Ilan Volkov [more info]